Monday, January 14, 2013

Genesis 16 - 17; Lesson 15

Chuck's study this week:

Lesson     15
Passage Genesis 16-17

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Man’s answer to God’s Covenant - Promise (Hagar and Ishmael) (Genesis 16)
a. Sarai’s child answer - Hagar (1-4a)
b. Sarai mistreats Hagar (4b-6)
c. Angel of the Lord intercedes, describes son and “sees” Hagar’s distress (7-15)
God confirms covenant with circumcision identification (Household of God) (Genesis 17:1-16; 23-27)
a. Name change to identify Abraham as father of nations (1-8)
b. Covenant requirement circumcision (9-14)
c. Name change to Sarah as mother of nations (15-16)
d. Commitment identification with covenant circumcision (23-27)
God’s Covenant Son - Answer (Isaac from Sarah) (Genesis 17:17-22)
a. Covenant Son Isaac foretold (19)
b. Blessing to Ishmael (20)
c. Time set for covenant son’s birth (21-22)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Man’s answer to God’s Covenant - Promise (Hagar and Ishmael)
Genesis 16
God confirms covenant with circumcision identification (Household of God)
Genesis 17:1-16; 23-27
God’s Covenant Son - Answer (Isaac from Sarah)
Genesis 17:17-22

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Human action is Ishmael, but identification with covenant yields Isaac blessing

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

To Learn that being blameless in God’s eyes requires first identification with His covenant and walking with Him.

Specific Application Questions

1.       In what ways are we intervening in God’s plans and setting our own direction?
2.       How do we identify ourselves with God; how are we involved in our church?
3.       What specific blessings, are you accepting through involvement in His work?

Principles to Remember

God has a perfect plan for us.
We should stick out as God’s own; an attractive ambassador of Christ
There is blessing and joy in serving Jesus

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